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A fungus is an organism that lives in warm moist areas. Fungus of the toenails is a common problem that can affect people of all ages and there is not just one type of fungus that causes brittle, unsightly nails. The fungus often starts under the nail fold. Over time, it causes changes to your nailโ€™s appearance, such as a yellow or brownish discoloration. It can also cause thickening and deformity of the toenail.

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There is a common myth that you can protect yourself from fungal toenails by covering them up with nail polish. Quite the opposite!

Nail polish and other direct nail coverings can help trap moisture against the nail. Make sure you dry your feet fully before applying polish and give your feet time without it to air out.

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If you have a case of fungal toenails, itโ€™s not going to go away on its own. The sooner treatment is started, the better the chances that it will fully clear and allow new, healthy nails to grow again.

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